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Brittni D’Urso


Brittni D'Urso (ADA, AA Visual Performing Arts: Dance)

Certified Competition Adjudicator: Jazz; Contemporary; Tap; Hip Hop; Ballet; Acro Dance

Brittni grew up in Northford, CT and began dancing at age 2. From there she continued her dance education at Naugatuck Valley Community College, graduating with a degree in Visual Performing Arts; Dance. While at Naugatuck Valley Community College, she studied extensively in Jazz, Ballet, Modern, and Dance Pedagogy. She was also a member of the dance ensemble, Directed my Elena Rusnak at NVCC, which worked closely with Matthew Westerby Company, Sokolow Dance Foundation, Master classes with Martha Graham Dance Company, and many others. After college, Brittni performed with Onstage Dance Company in Boston, MA for two seasons. She also, was on Good Morning America for Madonna's Addicted to Sweat Work-out, to perform for the launch of it. She has over twenty-five years of dance experience, has been teaching and choreographing for over 10 years, and has award winning choreography. Brittni is also a Acro Dance Adjudicator: Certified Founding Member and a member of the Connecticut Dance Alliance.



Northford, North Branford, New Haven County, Connecticut, 06472, United States of America

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Northford, North Branford, New Haven County, Connecticut, 06472, United States of America

Author Info

Laura Fleming

Member since 5 years ago
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