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Cheryl Sweeney


Cheryl Sweeney

Certified Competition Adjudicator: Acro Dance; Tap; Ballet; Pointe; Jazz; Lyrical

Cheryl is a dance instructor for local studios, who also owned and operated her own dance academy. She continues to attend dance conventions and classes to further her knowledge in dance and has recently become Acrobatic Arts Certified, and an Acro Dance Adjudicator: Certified Founding Member with the ADTA. Cheryl has her Masters in Education with a concentration in Spanish. She currently homeschools her two daughters. Cheryl has been teaching dance for more than 20 years, during that time she has taught Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Acrobatics, Pointe, Lyrical and Hip Hop to all ages and levels, recreational and competition, including adults. Cheryl also has a theatre background and has been both director and choreographer of PMD’s Summer Theatre Camp, presenting Aladdin Jr, The Lion King Jr, and The Little Mermaid Jr.



Upton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America

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Upton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America

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Laura Fleming

Member since 5 years ago
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