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Emily Ruzicka Serbin


Emily Ruzicka Serbin (BSc University of Waterloo Kinesiology, ADTA, ADA)

Certified Competition Adjudicator: Acro Dance

Testing Day Examiner: Junior; Intermediate; Advanced

Certified ADTA Teacher: Junior; Intermediate; Advanced

Emily is an experienced performer, teacher and choreographer specializing in acrobatics. She graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences and is currently working towards her Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (2023). Her dance certifications include Junior, Intermediate and Advanced teacher with the Acro Dance Teachers Association (ADTA), and certified Acro Dance Adjudicator (ADA).


Emily began dancing at the age of three. She has trained in Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary, Modern, Tap, Ballet, Pointe, Acrobatics, and Hip Hop. Emily competed regionally and nationally with her hometown studio in Vaughan and continued competing with her University Team. She has participated in several workshops and master classes across Ontario and the US with top choreographers. Emily has worked as a competitive choreographer for several studios in the GTA for over ten years and is an assistant for the Northern Movement Acro Convention. Emily’s students have won many awards and have competed in both regional and international dance competitions. Emily was captain, choreographer, and dancer with the University of Waterloo’s competitive dance company for 5 years.


Emily is passionate about acrobatics and tumbling and combines her love of dance with her love of functional human movement in her instructor and chiropractic life.



Aurora, York Region, Golden Horseshoe, Ontario, Canada

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Aurora, York Region, Golden Horseshoe, Ontario, Canada

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Melissa Klassen

Member since 6 years ago
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