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Kiana Rigg


Kiana Rigg (ADA)

Certified Competition Adjudicator: Acro Dance; Jazz; Contemporary; Lyrical

Kiana Rigg is a professional artist based in Vancouver, BC, specializing in dance, teaching and choreography. Kiana has been trained under and certified through Alixa Flexibility, TADA Hand Balancing, Acro Dance Adjudicator and Acrobatic Arts. Kiana has choreographed many award winning numbers across a variety of styles including Jazz, Contemporary and Acro.

She has performed professionally and trained throughout Canada, United States and Europe. Her performance credits include The Gondoliers (Fraser Valley Stage), Hello, Dolly! (Fraser Valley Stage), Something To Live For (Music Video), BC Winter Games (Opening Ceremonies).

Currently Kiana is teaching and choreographing for studios throughout the Fraser Valley and Lower Mainland, specializing in Acro.

Kiana’s passion, enthusiasm and background in the performing arts makes her in great demand as a teacher, choreographer and adjudicator. She is looking forward to bringing her knowledge of dance and her desire to help every dancer around the world improve their craft.



Vancouver, Metro Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, Canada

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Vancouver, Metro Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, Canada

Author Info

Laura Fleming

Member since 5 years ago
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