• Step-by-step lessons that teach you exactly how to start and run your Acro Dance program. You’ll get all the trainings, templates and video tutorials you need to get consistent results every year from your acrobats.
  • Official certification in the next 12 months! Implement the monthly lesson plans, learn how to teach the tricks, them submit video of you teaching and spotting for feedback. Achieve certification through mastery, and have your certificate by the end of the dance year! 
  • Join our teacher mastermind community and plug into a network of other Acro professionals all working on the same goals. Ask questions, get feedback and build relationships!
  • Save up to $500 off the regular price of the Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance during this special private offer.

It’s time to “go Premiere” and become the confident and successful Acro Dance teacher you were meant to be!

Now is your chance to save up to $500 off the regular price before this offer expires.

The Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance

The Ultimate Certification Course and Full Program Design For Acro Dance Teachers

Are you ready to get serious and finally go all in with your Acro Dance?


  • You’re ready to get certified but you don’t know what to do or where to begin?
  • Or, maybe you’ve been teaching Acro Dance for a while, and your students just aren’t getting the tricks like you thought that they would.
  • Or maybe you’re noticing holes in their technique, and you can’t figure out why?
  • You’ve tried every drill and trick-hack recommended out there but still feel like you’re throwing spaghetti at a wall, trying to make one of them – ANY of them – stick.
  • You’re teetering on burnout – there’s no way you can keep researching social media for hours on end every week looking for answers – nothing is actually step-by-step, it’s just a bunch of random ideas!
  • You’re watching other studios perform their Acro at competition and wondering “What do they know that I don’t”
  • You’re annoyed with being pressured to push ahead to the big tricks when you know your students are not ready – it doesn’t help and it’s not getting you anywhere.
  • You know it’s time to get serious about your Acro Dance, but where do you even begin?

 If any of these statements have you thinking, “That is EXACTLY how I feel!” then keep on reading – you’re in the right place my friend.



Imagine what it will feel like when you’ve got the knowledge and experience of a pro and can finally start getting beautiful results with your acrobats!

  • Maybe your choreography looks better because your tricks are so clean and polished now.
  • You get to feel confident and capable every class because you know what to do to produce flawless tricks now.
  • Your students are motivated to learn tricks in the right order because they can see that you know what you’re doing and your system is working.

You’re ready to go all in with Acro Dance, but you’ve got questions!


“How do I start with learning how to get my tricks looking clean and technically correct?”

“I never learned these tricks myself, how could I ever know how to teach them properly?”

“This seems really hard, I’m not a professional how could I ever produce talent like that?”


We know, there can be a lot of questions and confusion if you’re just starting to see the big picture of an Acro Dance program for the first time. If you don’t have a plan to follow, it can be easy to make some critical mistakes, get off track, and never end up at the finish line becoming a professional Acro Dance teacher. Without guidance, the right tools, coaching, and certification, it can be difficult to make meaningful progress and achieve your career goals.

That’s why we've created our online coaching and certification program “The Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance”.


a one-year online certification course that will show you how to become a professional Acro Dance teacher, AND DESIGN a customized acro dance program at your studio


Allison Rutz: Dance Studio Owner and Dance Teacher

GAME CHANGER! Joining the Premiere Comprehensive Program was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Having zero experience in Acro and introducing it to my studio for the first time – I started out overwhelmed and not knowing where to begin. ADTA simplified things and built my confidence with their set technique warm-ups, breaking down the progressions (and advancements) for each skill, and providing members with continual support and quality control through coaching calls and the certification group.

It took the guessing game out of “what to do” and “how” - utilizing my classroom time, preventing injuries, and producing significant results.  We now have Acro classes running year-round, with maximum enrolment filled and requests for more.

ADTA produces quality teachers, and quality results. Completing my certifications will be considered one of my biggest and best accomplishments!


The ADTA Acro Dance Syllabus:

This is the official syllabus of the ADTA and covers all ages and abilities of Acro Dance including:

  • The KinderAcro Curriculum: Toddler, Preschool, and Pre-Junior Divisions (18 months-6 years old)
  • The Junior Curriculum: For beginner students ages 6 and up
  • The Intermediate Curriculum: For students that have completed Junior
  • The Advanced Curriculum: For students that have completed Intermediate
  • The Senior Male Acrobat: An additional skillset for your senior boys

Includes printable textbooks, video tutorials, and classroom tools for a complete Acro Dance Studio Syllabus.

The Premiere Certification Program:

There are three divisions of teacher’s certification: “Certified”, “Professional”, and “Master”

  • Each division of teacher’s certification is a practical-based, online certification course. Teachers utilize an “implementation class” to practice with, and work through the syllabus in their regular classes at the studio.
  • Each month teachers have ‘certification requirements’ that they work on in the classroom, then submit video of themselves teaching and spotting their tricks to the certifications evaluator. Feedback is given and teachers apply what they learned.
  • Certification is granted once all video submissions are approved (approx. 1 year per division)
  • Teachers who wish to become “Professional” or “Master” level teachers, may continue on with their certification after their year is complete.

Set Classroom Lesson Plans:

The set classroom lesson plans layout exactly what to teach and how to teach it each month:

  • KinderAcro Program: Includes 10 printable monthly classroom lesson plans for each the Toddler, Preschooler, and Pre-Junior Divisions. They also include additional 15-minute add-on lesson plan options for use in preschool combinations classes.
  • Junior Curriculum: Includes 10 printable monthly classroom lesson plans with corresponding teachers training videos to explain each lesson.
  • Intermediate Curriculum: Includes 10 printable monthly classroom lesson plans with corresponding teachers training videos to explain each lesson.
  • Advanced Curriculum: Includes 8 printable 2-month long classroom lesson plans with corresponding teachers training videos to explain each lesson. Also includes 2 bonus teachers’ lessons for understanding “Mental Game” and “How To Teach Senior Boys”.

The Acro Dance Studio System:

This system is the backbone to your overall Acro Dance program, what to expect and you need to know/do/set up - before you start teaching each division:

  • Includes theory and practical knowledge about Acro Dance for each age and level of student
  • Teachers’ training on how to run the Acro Dance classroom for efficiency and safety, and how to manage multiple ages and abilities in a class.
  • Includes printable procedure forms, code of conduct for class, posters for the studio, and level progress star charts.
  • Specialized teachers’ training to learning/understanding body types in Acro, risk management, competition teams, and ongoing program design and development.

The Foundations Of Acro Dance:

This program is a bundle of beginner-level lesson plans and video tutorials for implementing a brand-new program, and is great for the teacher who wants to take it extra slow:

  • 10 Monthly Teachers’ Classroom Lesson Plans
  • Beginner Acro dance Syllabus Tricks and across the floor combinations video tutorials
  • Beginner Set Technique Strength & Flexibility Warm-up with corresponding teachers’ training video tutorial

Use this program as an extra slow way to learn and implement Acro Dance, or as a marketing intake strategy for new students wanting to try Acro each year.

Essential Teacher’s Tools:

These modules will help you design your program and expand your professional development and include:

  • The Acro Dance Testing Day Bundle: A set program to conduct your own “in-house” exam day for your students, with instructions on how to conduct or hire a local teacher to examine for you.
  • The Associate Teacher Training Program: A program to conduct your own ‘in-house’ assistant teacher training day.
  • Trending Tricks For Advanced Acrobats: A supplemental series of trending tricks to try with your advanced acrobats.
  • The Masterclasses Module: Access to all ADTA masterclass live classes and video replays.
  • Premiere Coaching Calls: Bi-weekly coaching calls for asking questions and getting answers throughout certification.
  • The Premiere Teachers' Mastermind Group: Your online group of like-minded Acro teachers who care about quality and doing things right just like you!

Here’s what you’ll get to create/do with the Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance:

  • You’ll start working from the monthly lesson plans, learn what to teach and how to teach it, and submit your certification videos along the way to get feedback on your tricks, and make progress quickly.
  • You’ll learn the “Acro Studio System” so that you can set up and structure your program properly for long-term success.
  • You’ll download and print off your textbooks, progress charts, and classroom tools so that you’ll have your assets in place and are ready for the classroom.
  • You’ll learn how manage multiple ages and abilities in the same class so that you can learn classroom management, and work to each students’ individual levels and strengths.
  • You’ll start to see results quickly once you start working the system, your students learn the program, and everyone is on the same page and moving forward.
  • And you’ll get the confidence that comes from getting consistent results, a system you can rely on, and qualifications that matter because you earned them through mastery.


Bree used this program to learn how to teach and run an Acro Dance program, and now has students working on a full spectrum of tricks from beginner into intermediate levels.

Bree Radosevich: Acro Dance Teacher

My experience with The Premiere Comprehensive Program has been so amazing! This certification was absolutely the best decision I’ve ever made. Not only am I more confident in my teaching, my families and students are as well! 

With this program, it is so easy to have students progress safely! From the set technique warm ups, to the trick progressions, my students have gained a new level in their confidence.

I’ve been loving watching my students progress in Acro. They enjoy it as much as I do!

Essential Bonuses Inside Of The Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance

The “My Acro Vault” Career & Choreography Course

For Acro Dance teachers who are ready to expand beyond the classroom into business and freelance work.

This 10-part program follows the "VAULT" framework and covers and covers the following topics:

  • "V": Variations: Fun variations for every level, Variations for small spaces.
  • "A": Achievements: Celebrating your dancers' achievements, Achieving stage presence and artistry.
  • "U": Uniqueness: Creating unique choreography for Acro Dance, Unique transitions for Acro Dance choreography.
  • "L": Lifelong Learning: Expanding your career with professional branding, The art of organization.
  • "T": Technique: Mastering front aerials, Breaking down back handsprings.

This in depth course will prepare you, your craft, and your personal brand, for a career beyond the classroom and into the business world of Acro Dance.

How To Teach And Spot In Trick Families

THE Ultimate Masterclass for Acro Dance Teachers!

In this 8-part series, ADTA President Melissa Klassen covers all of her best kept secrets for mastering teaching, spotting, and correcting Acro Dance tricks from beginner through advanced level skills.

Taken from a compilation of 25 years of experience, this Masterclass is Melissa Klassen's life's work and knowledge all bundled up in one super series!

Every world-class Acro teachers’ go-to training for mastering all levels of Acro Dance!

The Acro 101: 12-Week Studio Session

For Teachers who want to start their beginners with a 12-week session first…

This program a plug-and-play curriculum for running beginner 12-Week sessions at your studio, and is suitable for students ages 6 and up.

It’s a great strategy if you want to start with a way for new students to “try out Acro” without having to commit to a full year program.

Students who complete the Acro 101 program will be ready and well prepared to continue on into a full year "FOUNDATIONS" or "JUNIOR" program at your studio.

This intro session can be run several times per year as an intake strategy for using Acro Dance as a way to bring in new students to the studio.

The Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance

Total Value: $12,165

All For Just $2495 $1997 USD!

You Can Learn This Program and Complete Your Certification From Home, From Anywhere In The World, And On Your Schedule.

You can learn the program and download the lesson plans, and complete your certification from the comfort of your own home and dance studio, as long as you have an internet connection!

The entire program is completely digital so you can access it from anywhere through our private program portal. And you’ll never miss a beat: you can go at your own pace and implement the lessons with your students on your own schedule any time throughout the year.

During the classroom implementation of the program, you can follow along with the lesson plans and practice with your own students to learn how to teach and spot Acro Dance and complete your certification videos.

Our program is easy to learn, understand, and implement, and you’ll be feeling ready and confident because of its simple ‘plug and play’ format.



Enroll in the Premiere Comprehensive Program 

Purchase the program straight from this page. You can pay with either PayPal or credit card.

Step 2: 

You’ll get immediate access:

You’ll receive login information so you can get started. All of the modules will be waiting for you, so you can dive right in and start learning the program!

Step 3:

Learn Where You Should Begin: 

You’ll be able to dive right into the Welcome Section and learn where you and your students will begin this year.


How Long Does It Take To Become Certified, and How Much Time Will I Spend Preparing For Class?

There are three divisions of teacher’s certification: “Premiere Certified”, “Premiere Professional”, and “Premiere Master”

Each division of teacher’s certification is a practical-based, online certification course, and takes on average one year each to complete. All teachers start certification at the “Premiere Certified” level; experienced teachers with intermediate or advanced level students may certify in more than one level per year. Teachers must have an “implementation class” to practice with, and work through the syllabus in regular classes at the studio.

Throughout the year, teachers submit video of themselves teaching and spotting their tricks to the ADTA official evaluator. Constructive feedback is given, and teachers apply corrections and work under the guidance of the certification director until they are complete.

Certification is granted once all video submissions are marked and approved. It takes on average one dance season to complete certification. Teachers who wish to become “Premiere Professional” or “Premiere Master” level teachers, may continue on with their certification after their certification year is complete and will receive a 50% off “Alumni” tuition rate for as long as they want to remain a Premiere member.

When you dive into the program, you will spend approximately 3-5 hours watching theory and pre-work videos, and printing off the PDF classroom tools.

Once you’ve completed this prep work, you will be ready to start planning out your first class. You’ll spend approx. 1-2 hours each month learning the monthly lesson plan before you teach it to your students. You use each lesson plan for at least 4 weeks.

*Note: Your students will all progress at different rates. Students take anywhere from 1-3 years to pass each division. Even though students’ progress at different paces, the average teacher becomes “Premiere Certified” in one year.

**Note: You do not need to be certifying to remain in the Premiere program. You can be a member of Premiere just for the content and community. Likewise, several certifying teachers like to take a year in between certifications to make sure all of their students are ready to move up to the next level together. This is normal and to be expected. The average beginner Acro Dance teacher who decides to certify all the way through to “Premiere Master” certification is approximately 6 years. Acro Dance must be learned at an appropriate rate; not to slowly and not to quickly.

How Do I know If This Program Is Right For Me Or Not?

This program is right for you if:

  • You want to get certified and are committed to showing up and doing the work to learn it properly.
  • You have tried to get other certifications but still feel like you have zero idea what you are doing, where to start, or how to manage your time in class.
  • You are trying to teach things you are not ready for and know you need a better understanding of the basic skills.
  • You would benefit from coaching, community and support.
  • Your students aren’t progressing, and you don’t know why.
  • You are just starting your Acro program and want to make sure you set it up properly the first time.
  • You want lesson plans and a plug and play system that you can just follow and it works.
  • You want to improve your choreography and blend your tricks in better.
  • You’re ready to make a professional career out of being an Acro Dance teacher, and you’re excited about all of the possibilities that could bring for you!

This program is NOT right for you if:

  • You are looking for a quick version of certification and just want to say you are ‘certified’ to your customers.
  • You’re just looking for a stamp of approval.
  • Your Acro program is fine and you are getting the results that you want.
  • You prefer to work on your own and don’t need coaching and support.
  • You just need syllabus and not a whole certification program.
  • You have experience with Acro, or you are training at a studio that already has a program set up and other teachers you can rely on.
  • You’re just looking for variations and ideas, you don't need extra resources and support.
  • You're getting certified because you 'have to' and you really don't plan on showing up, doing the work, or contributing to the Premiere community (only serious teachers should apply for this program).

Hi I’m Melissa Klassen and I’m obsessed with helping dance teachers become confident and qualified Acro Dance Instructors

I started teaching teachers 15 years ago after I personally crossed over from gymnastics coach to Acro Dance teacher, and quickly realized I was the only one in my area who knew how to teach and spot it properly.

My friends and colleagues in the dance industry started asking me how I was doing it, and I started showing them how!

I created this program after years of trying to find Acro Dance resources, certifications, and support for myself. I created it and it was working, and knew I needed to share this powerful resource with more people!

I created this “Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance” certification and syllabus because I wanted to cut the learning curve for other teachers, and I believe everyone can learn how to become a confident and successful Acro Dance teacher with the right guidance and tools.

I’m excited to see your own results with your students as you take this leap and become an equipped and qualified Acro Dance teacher!

Get world-class credentials and a successful Acro Dance program that you feel confident running (because you EARNED it!)…

in the next 10 months or less!

You Can Do This Even If You Are Busy!

“I don’t have time”

Learning from experienced Acro Dance Professionals is the best way to leverage your time. Yes, it takes time and effort to learn how to be a good Acro Dance teacher. But then you can leverage your education for years to come, and get the highest return on investment possible!

“I never took Acro as a student”

We take teaching you how to become a proficient Acro teacher VERY seriously. This program is absolutely appropriate for beginners. Not only that, we will continue to work with you as you progress through all of the levels. When you join the ADTA, we teach you EVERYTHING you want to learn – from beginner through advanced. No experience is necessary when you join.

“I don’t have the money”

When you invest in your professional development you are investing in your career. Becoming a certified Acro Dance Teacher makes you more employable, brings better freelance opportunities, and a higher income. Studio Owners are looking for qualified and dependable employees – we show you how to learn more so you can earn more.

What makes The Premiere Program different than anything else out there?

I know you, and I see you – and I’m right there with you:


  • You don’t have a lot of time, so we only give you the best strategies, and won’t waste your time with anything not essential. If it doesn’t maximize your results, it’s not in the program.
  • You don’t want to waste money, which is why we don’t offer a bunch of different courses and programs. The Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance is an all-in-one holistic system where you get everything you need for a successful Acro Dance program in one simple price.
  • You don’t want to make costly technique mistakes that you’ll have to fix later. Every trick, drill and exercise in the program has been tested and proven over the past 13 years. This program works – period.

This program is not a quick weekend course. This is a practical-based, year long coaching and certification program, for dance professionals who are serious about learning Acro properly and safely.


This is the program that Holly Rohde has used to double her studio enrollment each year since she's opened!

Holly Rohde: Dance Studio Owner and Dance Teacher

My studio went with the Premiere Comprehensive Program because it was an all-inclusive program for us. Being a dancer that did not come from an Acro Dance background, I wanted to go with an option that was going to offer me everything that I needed to get a full program up and running.

Everything is put together really well - the lesson plans and the syllabus - there is really nothing left out. It was a no-brainer for me to go with the Premiere Program for my studio.

When I first signed up I was nervous that I wasn’t going to be able to effectively deliver – but I started with the Acro 101, and the more I worked through it, the more I realized that it was even better than I thought it was. It was nicely laid out and boosted my confidence as I started working from the very start with my students.

ADTA offers the best support system and they always have faculty that are there to answer your questions and the mastermind group for support, so I’ve never felt like I was alone in going through this journey.

Our Refund Policy

If you are not satisfied with the Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance reach out to us within 7 days and we will completely refund your purchase. This program works, period - and we know you’re going to love it, but rest assured knowing your purchase is refundable if it’s not just right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How/When do I get access to the material?

You will receive instant access once you purchase the program. User/login details will be emailed to you and you can login right away.

Is the Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance Teachers right for me?

This program is right for you if you are ready to dig in, stay focused and learn Acro Dance properly.

This is not a weekend course. This is a hands-on, year-long coaching program, and is only for dance professionals who are serious about learning Acro properly and safely.

If you are looking for a fast certification, this program isn’t for you. However, if you’re ready to put in the work and follow the program, you will gain massive results, and you’ll set yourself up for a very successful career as a Professional Acro Dance teacher.

This program is life-changing and is for committed applicants only.

What is the time commitment per month and how long does it take to complete?

Initially expect to spend approx. 5-7 hours learning the material and printing off the PDF’s before you implement the syllabus in your classes.

Then, we recommend spending 1-2 hours each month planning out your lesson plans.

How Does Teachers Certification Work?

There are three divisions of teacher’s certification: “Certified”, “Professional”, and “Expert”.

Each division of teacher’s certification is a practical-based, online certification process. Certifying teachers must have an “implementation class” to practice with, and work through the syllabus in their regular classes at the studio.

Throughout the year, teachers submit video of themselves teaching and spotting their tricks to the ADTA official evaluator. Timely feedback is given, and teachers can apply corrections, where needed, throughout the year.

Acro Dance Certification is granted once all video submissions are approved.

Teachers who wish to become “professional” or “expert” level teachers, may continue on with their certification after their coaching & certification year is complete.

Teachers pursuing additional years of certification in the program are eligible for a 50% off “Alumni” tuition rate. Teachers that pursue consecutive years of coaching & certification support lock in their original pricing + their 50% off Alumni rate.

Teachers that take a break in between coaching & certification years receive their 50% off Alumni rate at the current tuition price.

Teachers must certify in order of the syllabus levels: Junior (ADTA Certified), Intermediate (Professional Certified), and Advanced (Expert Certified).

Are there any prerequisites/who is this a good fit for?

There are no prerequisites for this program. This program includes syllabus for beginner through advanced Acro Dance, and certification for beginners through to experienced Acro Dance teachers. It is suitable for all levels.

Are there any other material or equipment costs besides the purchase price?

You will want to invest in some mats for your Acro Dance program. The best mats are 4-panel, fold out mats with Velcro.

As your program grows you may want to invest in ‘nice to have’ but not required equipment such as foam roll out mats, a wedge mat, or gymnastics foam blocks or ‘heights’.

Do I get support, community or access to you?

Yes! This is a high-touch, hands-on teachers’ certification program and community.

You will get access to ADTA President Melissa Klassen, ADTA faculty, and the Premiere Mastermind community of teachers.

How long do I have access to this program?

You have licencing access to Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance for a 12-month container. Additional years can be purchased at a 50% off discount.

Do you offer a discount for re-registering after my 12 months are complete?

Yes, we offer a 50% off discount on all of our programs for additional years’ access. To qualify for this discount, access must roll immediately into the subsequent year. This discount does not apply to ‘stop/start’ paid access.

Do you offer discounts for multiple teachers certifying from the same studio?

Additional teachers may certify from the same studio at a 50% off discount. Please reach out to us in the office for your coupon code:

What’s the difference between this program and your other programs?

We offer three different products: 

  • The “Foundations Of Acro Dance”
  • The “ADTA Acro Dance Syllabus”
  • And the “Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance”

The Foundations Of Acro is your first year of beginner syllabus, video tutorials and classroom lesson plans. 

The ADTA Acro Dance Syllabus includes all levels of Acro Dance syllabus, tutorials and classroom tools; from Preschool through Professional levels. It is just the syllabus and does not contain teachers training, lesson plans or certification.

The Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance is our Premiere offering and includes all levels of Acro Dance syllabus, teachers training, classroom tools, program growth strategies, and official certification.

Is there a minimum age to certify?

Yes, all teachers must be a minimum of age 18 at the time of registration to be able to persue offical ADTA Acro Dance Certification.

Teachers under the age of 18 are eligible for the “Associate Teacher Training Program” and can earn a certificate of completion.

The Associate Teacher Training program is included in your Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance, and you may qualify as many assistant teachers as you wish.


What is the refund policy?

We have a 7 Day refund policy if you aren’t happy with your Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance.

Refund policy is null and void if any course materials have been downloaded.

Please email us at if you require a refund on your purchase.

*Please note that fluctuations in exchange rates, and your bank’s currency exchange fees are out of our control. We are not responsible for any discrepancy in purchase vs. refund amount.

Are you ready to get world-class credentials and a successful Acro Dance program that you feel confident running (because you EARNED it!) … in the next 10 months or less!

"The Premiere Comprehensive Program For Acro Dance"

Total Value: $12165

All For Just $2495 $1997 USD!

​Have any questions about the PREMIERE COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM FOR ACRO DANCE? Drop us a line, we’re here to help!