The Ultimate All-In-One Solution For Aspiring & Experienced Acro Dance Teachers


World-class teachers’ training, syllabus, and certification

We help our members learn how to teach and spot Acro Dance, then give them the system, syllabus, and support to implement it in the classroom. Our practical-based, long-term approach, creates qualified teachers who produce flawless technique.

Imagine all of the benefits of having the right system in place

  • Consistent results with your acrobats
  • Acro classes that are organized and run smoothly
  • Saving time in your classes
  • Students that are excited about working on the basics before big tricks
  • More credibility for the teacher and studio
  • Technique improvements crossing over into all genres
  • Beautiful Acro Dance tricks to use in your choreography

We'll get you all set up and show you...

  • Our formula for getting maximum results with your students
  • How to ensure consistent and good technique in your tricks
  • How to make your classes seamless and organized, even with different ages and abilities in your classes
  • How to cultivate respect and work ethic in the classroom
  • What equipment you need (and don’t need!) for your Acro program
  • How to set up a safe, fun and effective program for all ages and abilities of Acro Dance
  • Where to begin if you’re brand new and what to focus on if you are already established
  • How to use Acro Dance to increase your annual income

Your success using my proven method

Get better results and streamline your classes! I’ve spent the last 25 years building and perfecting my method, and now I’m offering you the chance to benefit from the experience and time I’ve spent building a teachers training program and world-class studio system that gets RESULTS!

Looking to learn with me and benefit from my 25 years of experience? Look no further, I’ve done all the work for you!

ADTA Founder/President: Melissa Klassen